Giving Tuesday began in 2012 as a global effort to increase charitable giving at the start of the holiday season. The movement gained popularity and by 2016, estimates exceeded 170 million dollars in private and matched donations.
This year, Shaping Our Appalachian Region, Inc. (SOAR) joins the celebration and asks you to give back! For five years, SOAR has played a crucial role in connecting the collective ingenuity of the region with the surplus of opportunity. SOAR has made tremendous strides since its inception, but there is still more work to be done.
While planning your end-of-the-year giving, please consider SOAR. Your tax-deductible donation stays right here — in the very communities we work in, live in, and support. Whether its helping a small business secure funding, working to build healthy communities, connecting an established business with local talent to further their success, supporting local agriculture incentives, championing for broadband, or sharing the bountiful tourism opportunities across the region, we are building a 21st Century Appalachia, Together!
Donate today, on #GivingTuesday and share your story of Appalachian Success!
On behalf of all of us at SOAR, and the 1+ million Appalachians we serve, thank you!
To read more about SOAR’S plan click HERE
Join our partners in furthering SOAR’s mission
To read about the proof click HERE
Don’t forget to DONATE. Every bit helps.