Pulaski County, Ky
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers announced today that Pulaski County has been awarded $25 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) “Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development” (BUILD) grant program. Senator McConnell contacted the Assistant Secretary of Transportation in support of Pulaski County’s competitive federal grant application.
The Lake Cumberland region is one of Kentucky’s most treasured destinations, and I was proud to work with Pulaski County to deliver these critical resources to promote traffic safety and encourage economic development
According to Pulaski County officials, this grant funding will be utilized to improve safety conditions at the intersection of KY 80 and KY 461 for the more than four million visitors to Lake Cumberland each year. This intersection, which is a critical gateway to Lake Cumberland’s economy, is in desperate need of safety improvements. Specifically, the project will construct a grade-separated intersection and expand KY 461 to four lanes. These improvements will increase capacity and allow for more economic development along this vital access-point for the Lake Cumberland region.
“The Lake Cumberland region is one of Kentucky’s most treasured destinations, and I was proud to work with Pulaski County to deliver these critical resources to promote traffic safety and encourage economic development,” said Senator McConnell. “As Senate Majority Leader, I made it a priority to secure increased infrastructure grant funding in the hopes that more Kentucky communities would be able to benefit from these resources. When the county asked for my help, I strongly advocate for its needs in Washington. I look forward to the new opportunities for growth in this region, and I am glad to work with Congressman Rogers to help continue bringing resources to Kentucky.”
“The safety and transportation improvements resulting from this road project will have a regional impact, saving lives at a dangerous intersection that is heavily traveled, providing better access to a high-tech regional industrial park, and paving the way for future development of the northern bypass,” said Congressman Hal Rogers. “I commend the local leaders who diligently advocated for a road project of this magnitude. It is a great example of successful local, state and federal partnerships for economic development. As always, it is a pleasure for Senator McConnell and I to collaborate with the good people of southern and eastern Kentucky to make this region a better place to live.”