The Center for Rural Development is helping communities explore ways to become “fiber ready” following Governor Matt Bevin and U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers’ recent announcement that a major milestone achievement has been reached for KentuckyWired, the Commonwealth’s high-speed fiber optic network.
The Center’s Technology Assistance Program (TAP) is available to help communities begin asset mapping, perform feasibility studies, and conduct pre-engineering analysis of community fiber projects or other activities that will extend the reach of the KentuckyWired fiber infrastructure. The initiative is funded by grant KY-18984-17 from the Appalachian Regional Commission and is administered by The Center for Rural Development. The Center also has additional information about local, state, and federal funds that support the initiative to bring broadband access to rural areas.
Read this article published by The Center for Rural Development to learn more about the role they will play in expanding the reach of KentuckyWired.
The Center for Rural Development is a Blueprint Partner of SOAR. To learn more about The Center and the services they offer, visit their website.