February 21, 2018Addressing the Opioid crisis from every angle: HEAL initiative brings organizations from all walks of life togetherPROGRAM BRINGS GRASSROOTS SOLUTION TO OPIOID EPIDEMIC
February 14, 2018AppHarvest announces partnership with the University of PikevilleUNIVERSITY BUILDING CURRICULUM TO LAUNCH HIGH-TECH AGRICULTURE PROGRAM
February 9, 2018Paths2Promise a success in Clay CountyPROGRAM HELPS THOSE RECEIVING SNAP BENEFITS FIND A NEW CAREER
February 6, 2018Paths2Promise a success in Whitley CountyPROGRAM HELPS THOSE RECEIVING SNAP BENEFITS FIND A NEW CAREER
February 6, 2018BitSource, Addiction Recovery Care present at Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Workforce SummitCOMPANIES WORKING TO BUILD A 21st CENTURY APPALACHIA
February 2, 2018Paths2Promise a success in the Kentucky River regionPROGRAM HELPS THOSE RECEIVING SNAP BENEFITS FIND A NEW CAREER