Addiction Recovery Care (ARC), a healthcare corporation based in Louisa, Ky., celebrated its ten-year anniversary on Wednesday, November 14, at Christ Temple Church in Huntington, W.Va. Since Tim Robinson, founder of ARC, started in 2006 much has changed. ARC was once a small non-profit organization with a handful of faithful volunteers and now has close to 500 employees and is one of the nation’s largest second-chance employers. ARC was started on the faith and prayer of a few people who were beginning a journey that seemed insurmountable. However, in the face of all barriers, ARC weathered the storm and has helped thousands with a second chance at life. With almost 1,000 people in attendance, the energy could be felt. It was a day of celebration shared with family and friends.
Thousands of lives changed, hundreds of people employed, millions of dollars poured into the communities, and families reunited, this is ARC. The past ten years have been incredible, but ARC looks forward to several more decades of destiny. From top to bottom ARC is the story of the underdog. ARC was the company that wasn’t supposed to make it. Many of its employees were once hopeless addicts. The people they serve were recently homeless and abused substances. Now they are a multi-million dollar healthcare company that brings hope to those who suffer.
In the midst of the anniversary celebration, ARC graduated another cohort of Peer Support Specialists (PSS) from their Academy. These PSS are now certified by Kentucky and are Medicaid billable. ARC has certified close to 200 PSS, and nearly 100 of them are employed at ARC. ARC’s model takes individuals from crisis to career. This model is epitomized by the Academy, with most of its graduates consisting of people who have been through one of ARC’s residential or outpatient facilities.
Addiction Recovery Care prides itself in offering truly holistic treatment by providing residential programs, outpatient services, medically assisted treatment, and job training. All of these programs consist of clinical counseling, pastoral care, case management, peer support services, and vocational training.
If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction contact addiction specialist at (606) 638-0938, 24 hours a day seven days a week, or use our private and discrete chat function online at