Raise your hand if you like being stuck in traffic?
I’m waiting… anyone?

That’s what I thought.
Technology and connectivity is such a great thing, but in times of gridlock traffic, it hurts and it helps.
Here’s my story.
I’m in Pittsburgh tonight and tomorrow to join some of our Remake Learning Days colleagues from across the country for a gathering to learn more about the organization and build relationships with their partners.
According to my GPS, I was about four miles from the hotel when traffic — and time — stood still. Being minutes away from my destination turned into almost two hours.
That’s the situation. Technology and connectivity provided excitement that I was near my destination. It also provided quite the headache as my distance to my destination stayed untouched, but my estimated time of arrival continued to grow.
But all wasn’t lost. I looked at the map on my phone and I discovered if I could get off the Interstate I might be able to find a back road to the hotel. So, I took a chance and took the exit to find it only went in one direction. You guessed it — the direction I wasn’t going.
I never met a U-Turn I didn’t like.
With all that being said, I made it to my destination about half the time.
Take that I-Phone and Google.
I’ll never complain of the string of Red Lights in Coal Run (ok, I probably will) or the tractor I’m behind coming out of my holler again (ok, I probably will).
Ok, on to Remake Learning Days.
We are proud to be sponsoring Remake Learning Days East KY on April 23 through May 2, 2020. We have more than 90 — yes 90 — events on tap, and don’t tell anyone, but you can still register to host an event.
What’s an event?
Well, it’s just about anything. All it has to do is promote learning for the whole family.
And get this: We are also offering a limited number of mini grants for eligible organizations.
Learn more about Remake Learning Days East KY here.

ONE MORE THING | Not all was lost on the trip north this morning. I made a stop at Primanti Brothers . This restaurant has been featured on countless television shows and is a Pittsburgh staple. I ate the Clarksburg, West Virginia location and had my favorite — pastrami and cheese (with slaw, fries, and tomatoes) on freshly backed bread.
That sandwich provided the caloric intake and carbs I needed to get through the traffic jam.
So, with that being said, what is your favorite sandwich?