The Kentucky Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs (GSE) is hosting its 2019 Demo Day – a free public pitch event on July 13. This event will serve as the conclusion to the 2019 summer program taking place at Northern Kentucky University. Beginning on June 23, the selected 72 high school students will be immersed in a creative, real-world experience where they can develop the skills needed to develop and launch their own business. They will gain knowledge in a wide variety of topics, including business plans, pitching to potential investors, startups and risk. GSE works to identify the students whose spark burns brightest and provide them with an alternative to the standardized learning environment. By equipping them with a new way of thinking, each student will have the capacity to create an entrepreneurial future for themselves and their communities.
Throughout the three week experience, the young entrepreneurs will develop a business model and design a prototype. On Demo Day, they will pitch their business ideas to a live audience and panel of judges. The top 3 teams will have the opportunity to earn cash prizes.
The 2019 Demo Day event is open to the public. The Kentucky Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs encourages everyone to join them for a day of competition and celebration. Seats for this event are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For more information about this event, please click here. For more information about GSE, please click here.