Discover EKY Talent with Tracie

Tracie Spencer

Remote Employer Coordinator

Your connection to top talent

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses are struggling to find the skilled, reliable talent they need to grow and thrive.

At the EKY Talent Network, we’re here to change that. By connecting businesses like yours with exceptional talent from right here in Eastern Kentucky, we’re building a brighter future—one hire at a time.

We understand the challenge.

75% of employers globally are reporting they are having challenges in filling roles

81% of recruitment professionals say it’s challenging to fill roles

We provide the support.

Proactive Partnerships

Exceptional People

Tailored Talent Solutions

Tracie Spencer

Remote Employer Coordinator

We invite you to become part of our story and something unlike any other in Rural America. Partner with the EKY Talent Network today. Together, we’ll connect talent to opportunity and transform a region.

Are you an Eastern Kentucky community leader?

Take advantage of the digital economy by training your residents for remote work and attracting talent to your community.